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Kenji Chiga

Patched Pup

(2023- Ongoing)  

I remember taking a dog I never had for a walk.

As it turns out, this is called a false memory. I wanted to have a dog, just like my father, grandmother, uncle, and aunt did. Their lives, of which I have no knowledge, and my childhood with them, I do not remember. I know some things and forget others.

In the process, what I had forgotten had never actually happened. The memory of the dog was an invisible link to the past that shaped me.





No. 1, are you easily persuaded by scientific explanations?

No. 2, do spiritual explanations resonate with you?

No. 3, are you susceptible to persuasion by authority?

No. 4, do you unquestioningly accept your own experiences?

No. 5, are you swayed by people's narratives?



Stigma of the Celestial


'I can't stop the water to save lives in this world. I'm trying to protect people. That's normal, isn't it?" the woman shouted.

What is reality? We tend to believe what we see truly exists there. The voice we hear must come from someone mumbling. Such was the case with that person living upstairs. May 2021, 11 PM - it began raining. The rain did not fall in Tokyo, nor in the city, nor in this town. The shower poured exclusively in two apartment rooms, room 201 and 202 The sacred rain, muddled in brown, continued throughout the night and tainted our world.


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